its been a while.......
dah lama btul tak update blog yang cantik ni. tapi nk buat macam mana its my final year, eventhough i only take 3 subjects with only 2 final paper but then the workload is much much heavy. 1 more thing i have to search for internship placement.
orang kata senang nk cari internship placement klau kite BBA background means business admin because sume company ade office & admin tapi sebenarnya susah bile kite belajar bidang tertentu & we need to be place specifically in that specific for a marketing student for my scope of work will on comprises on event management, PR, all sorts of activities related to marketing..sumtimes i always wonder the grass are greener on the other percayalah which side kite pilih pun we will still said the same things...the reason is because most of my friends from different courses pun faces many challenges bkn shj during searching for internship placement but seeking for job also...
so i decided to take the placement in JB instead of KL which was the plan b4 i discover that out of 20 places that I send my application only 2places reply & that is TDC (Tourism Development corperation) which not giving any am i gonna survive without the allowance???depends only on my PTPTN will be very saket oiii....the house rent+the vehicle expenses+makan minum di KL....its not cheap....
2nd place is PARKSON...parkson is being very generous by giving RM400...and i can chooce to be located at any of PARKSON branch that i wanted to be around MALAYSIA...since all my classsmates are accepting practical in KL...i have been thinking of accepting PARKSON offer..
but then after the briefing on this particular subject MKT 661 & MKT 662 the practical n morning by PM kamel....I'm sure that i can do much better report if i decided to accepted the offer in JB..
With less expenses(house rent+vehicle expenses) I'll be enjoying the internship in JB & be near few friends...especially yang boleh buat meronggeng bersama....
**and i have lots of opinion i can get to finish my report successfully...
especially from friends that have grad n my sista n my mom n etc.
JJCM Changlun : Dusun Riffaa
1 week ago