Tuesday, 28 October 2008

final exams!!!!!!!OMG

30th oct 08 - ctu553 ethnic relation (sejarah,sejarah,sejarah)
2nd nov 08 - mkt547 marketing communication (hellllllpppp!!!!anybody frm advertising field)
9th nov 08 - mgt543 Personal development (just finish the community service report)
11th nov 08 - Bmd 451 mandarin 2 (easy mah....)
12th nov 08 - mgt417 Information technology in business (en nizam!!!!tlglah be very gentle on the carry mark)
14th nov 08 - mkt 544 Internet marketing (PM KAMEL hope fully tak very strict on the marking)

i had to skip my convocation day because of the above mention exams...so it better be good..

1 week of fever..

my body temperature do not show any fever but...
i have a very bad flu and coughing all day since tuesday..
so last thursday telinga mula rsa mendap n "mengap" betul ker ayat aku nih??
betul lah kot...rasa cm pekak mcm ader air tersumbat dlm telinga tp sbnrnya takder..
so biar kan jer sampai la semalam jd makin teruk plak telinga nih..
n nih baru balek dari open house umah PM Kamel & Pn Che Faridah..
the food???no need to explain lah...2 types of food nasi n lontong..
for nasi lovers you have choices of ayam masak merah, rendang and also ader masak lodeh for lontong lovers and sambal kacang..
dessert???it is very wrong to ask whether rumah PM kamel punye dessert sedap ke tak..
definitely lah sedap.. got apple cheesecake and kek batik both my favourite..
but the best yet to come the only carrotcake with cheese topping..
joe siap makan dessert dlu baru mkn kek...
no pictures available because forgot to took some...

Friday, 24 October 2008

Demam yang tak sudah...

aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh susahnya kalau demam...
since sunday dah capture this fever..
mama cakap "biasalah kakak kalau hujan-panas-hujan-panas mesti demam, kurang vitamin C"
ceits....mama cakap kakak kurang vit C..

Isnin : dah started feeling weird tapi as usual elly mana pernah kesah sakit ke tak..sakit pun buat cam tak sakit.
Selasa : tekak gatal2 rasa cam nak garu macam dalam iklan gula2 sakit tekak tu jer..
Rabu : selsema dah teruk sangat, telinga terasa pekak n berdengung
Khamis : suara amat lah sengau n n susah nak kuar suara.
Jumaat : Headache+selsema+batuk+sakit tekak

dah la minggu ni banyak presentation..
kena harung jerlah yer

Another makan...makan..

This makan-makan is for celebrating mantan exco for D'marketeers
It happen at Nading Nusantara restaurant at 8.3opm
these are the caption of the day...

Goodbye for now....

They have went back england the day after atok abah's birthday celebration
we will be missing their bubbly face and nice talking accent especially ayesha
hopefully they will be back next hari raya
ayesha had mention earlier that she likes hari raya
kind of missing her smiles and her photogenic act
here are some of the picts of them



17th october 1933
Lahirnya seorang anak lelaki berkuturunan Banjar
Anak kepada Saudara JAMHARI & ESAH
MOHD. SAID diberi nama
That day is my grandfather birthday. so last friday mama, aunty yus and aunty zan decide to have a small party to celebrates "atok abah's" 75th birthday..
the dinner is sponsored by Mak Teh at Nelayan kat Titiwangsa.
Yang attend around 20-25 person...
1. my family = 5 person (mama, ayah, me, nnis & erfan)
2. Aunty yus's family = 3 person (Aunty yus, uncle muni & hakim)
3. Aunty zan's family = 4 person (Aunty zan, uncle syafiq@stuart, ayesha helena, aeden ameer)
4. Anjang's family = 4 person (mak anjang, uncle & the twins)
5. mak tok & tok abah
6. Makteh's family = 5 (makteh, Nurul, her 2 sister & maid)
The picture after the dinner....

the cousins....
from left to right
adlan, azwan, erfan, hakim, ayesha, aeden, me & nnis

my brothers n sister (cousins)

The bald looking 'matsaleh' guy is my uncle syafiq
(aunty zan's husband- the green blouse n the father of ayesha n aeden)

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

A manic monday...NOT!!!

on monday morning suppose ada test bel 402..
En jafri msg and inform the classi scancel because he has a meeting somewhere he did mention but i forgot.
there goes my test postpone to next week..what a relief...
in the IM class on 2 pm PM Kamel still didn't come..so semua belum present..
what to do...

In 1 week 4 tests 2 presentations

this week i have 4 tests

*Bel 402 = essay and grammar
*ctu 553 ethnic relations = 4 chapter (haru nak baca sejarah ni)
*mgt 417 information system = chapter 7 until chapter 11
*mkt 547 Marcom = chapter haru biru- yang ingat public relation, media strategy process, sponsorship kot, lagi entahla...

study....or not study....

*presentation bel 422 on research report
*presentation IM website and report

*depends jgak pada PM kamel yang rumours said he is merajuk*
8depends lyn dah balek dari jaga mummy dia*
fyi mummy lyn have been in coma before raya and recently baru jer sedar..
pity her...i give all my doa to your mum my friend..

resting day...

I spent the whole sunday to rest...
after washing my laundry, sapu bilik..
nak kuar.....keta saya dipinjam oleh joe malam tadi jd lepak jer lah dlm bilik..
buat portfolio bel 402-nak kena compile 8 grammar exercise & 2 essays..
nak touchup assignment IM laptop tak der frontpage plak takder...
edy msg suh g umah dia buat asignment bel 422
on 5pm i'm already in edy house..
ya rabbi bnyak complaint lah mamat nih cam nak plaster jer mulut dia..
buat keje nya tak pun asyik arah n complaint jer..
last2 aku yang buat sorg2..
siap lah jugak tp part recommendation tak buat lagi
powerpoint slide pun belum edit lagi..

wonderful n cheerful sunday..

i slept at izan's house because we have to attend a community service on that particular saturday morning.

*wake up @ 6 a.m in the morning
*siap2 n kuar dari umah izan around 7a.m
* go to zila's house
*angkat all those kotak2 air minerals into the car
*go to makcik roki house take all breakfast
*rushing to the masjid kampung sungai siput
*sampai2 je dorg tgh masak b'coz ajk msjid tu dah beli brg utk masak beehoon
* around 8.15a.m we all kumpul have breakfast
*8.30a.m gather & have a quick brief
*after the briefing everybody move to their task
*ada yang bersihkan kawasan kubur, cat pondok kubur, cat mimbar, bersihkan masjid, n cuci tempat wudhu' n toilet.
*finish at 12pm
*have lunch (nasi, ayam masak kari,sayur kangkung & ikan masin)
*refresh, solat jemaah zuhur nad rehat
*2.15 get back to gotong royong
*bersihkan kipas, bilik bilal and everything yang nmpak perlu dibersihkan.
*by 4pm we all are set to go back because cuaca nmpakny mcm nak hujan.

there you go perjalanan program 'CS' ari sabtu lepas
(gambar will be post here bile report dah anta)
sekian terima kasih....

Friday, 10 October 2008


Ladies & gentlemman surprising presenting to you the new
YDp & NYDP Marketeers 2008/2009
(thanks to all voters)

perlantikan ini very surprising of me..
aisyah the spontan raised hand n calonkan me...out of all person..ME???
n biler dah abes undi i found out i won...
thank you sooooooooo much guys n girls
i will never let all of you down
i'll try my best

taken during the seminar after taking pictures 'ceremony'
me proudly present to you
Datin Paduka Dr Hajjah Sharifah Mazlina Syed Abdul Kadir

so proud...so teruja...so thankful..n very inspiring...

A long day full of activities n surprises!!!!

2-days ago i'm pack with activities...ada 2 more days to saturday where i'm supposed to finish up a community service project required by personal development subjek..pening2 even me, joe, zila, qistina all are in rushing kejar2 cari masjid and all sorts of things..here are my tentatif for that day...

8am = Personal development (tutorial class)
class finish on 9.30 am

10am = mgt 417 IT class wif en nizam
(unfortunately he's not in

*there's an Marketeers AGM in noon i have to rush because i spent 1 an half hour in the lab to finish my website.

** on 11.30am = out of lab go to buy some food ruching back to room iron n change to baju kurung make up my hair-do n eat in half an hour..
...mission unaccomplish>>>>finish all chores on 12.07pm..

naik keta dgn aisyah g LT1 (attend AGM lah) with no attention to dtg in the beginning..
nasib baik the seminar PD (Personal Development kat tempat yang sama sebelah jer kat LT2..

*surprising news during th AGM...will tell latet.

2pm = already in LT2 waiting for the speaker.
Datin Paduka Sharifah Mazlina Syed Abdul Kadir
i'd the opportunity to take picture wif her..

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

entertaining aeden....

Ayesha Helena Syafiq Campbell & Aeden Ameer Syafiq Campbell

Saturday, 4 October 2008

GAN MAO during raya...

for those yang tak faham mandarin GAN MAO is demam selsema la dey...dah la ari ni ader reunion family kat kampung separap buleyh demam plak saya...hehe dah abes sepapan panadol soluble di telan..

first day ari raya let see...
hmm ramai orang dtg..pnt sgt2.aeden n ayesha sgt2 malu tp bile lama2 dah biasa dengan org2 di sekeliling...

2nd day ari raya...
aunty yus dah sampai dari perak mama pun dah balek semalam tghari so we went berhari raya to rumah nenek pasir (atok punye 1st wife, my grandmom is 2nd wife)

3rd day hari raya...
dari 10am until 6 am pergi beraya dari bukit pasir ke tongkang pecah ke parit sulong... balik untuk mandi n solat n refresh kul 6pm kuar balik to carrefour after ayah buka pose (ayah puasa 6) kiter bertolak ke rumha maklong...
malam tu all my cousin main bunga api termasuk yang panjang 8kaki yang mercun raya cina macam ada tarian singa..very happening..nasib baik paklong bekas polis pencen hehehehe.

picture ayesha, aeden, hari raya n family photo utk raya will be post later.