i slept at izan's house because we have to attend a community service on that particular saturday morning.
*wake up @ 6 a.m in the morning
*siap2 n kuar dari umah izan around 7a.m
* go to zila's house
*angkat all those kotak2 air minerals into the car
*go to makcik roki house take all breakfast
*rushing to the masjid kampung sungai siput
*sampai2 je dorg tgh masak b'coz ajk msjid tu dah beli brg utk masak beehoon
* around 8.15a.m we all kumpul have breakfast
*8.30a.m gather & have a quick brief
*after the briefing everybody move to their task
*ada yang bersihkan kawasan kubur, cat pondok kubur, cat mimbar, bersihkan masjid, n cuci tempat wudhu' n toilet.
*finish at 12pm
*have lunch (nasi, ayam masak kari,sayur kangkung & ikan masin)
*refresh, solat jemaah zuhur nad rehat
*2.15 get back to gotong royong
*bersihkan kipas, bilik bilal and everything yang nmpak perlu dibersihkan.
*by 4pm we all are set to go back because cuaca nmpakny mcm nak hujan.
there you go perjalanan program 'CS' ari sabtu lepas
(gambar will be post here bile report dah anta)
sekian terima kasih....
JJCM Changlun : Dusun Riffaa
2 weeks ago
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